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8th October 2005 at 06:28 #39290
A. Reha Ramadan Ali
GuestI worked in a telecom company as Radio and satellite Station, I’ve been shifted to new section “Mobile Section”.
I’d like to know about the RBS 2202, RBS 2206. May anyone give me Info. about how the system works? how the RF signals flow in and out? Input/Output power levels, receive sensitivity level.
I want to know about the functioning of the duplexer, multicoupler, combiner and the TRX cards, and ect. (Nokia, Errission, motorola). anything would be appreciated. Thank you you all.12th October 2005 at 07:12 #39291arief akbar
Guesti need to know the use off BIAS-T
at Nokia BTS,,,and which one better using BIAS-T or convesionally using EMP/lighting arresterregards
12th October 2005 at 08:22 #39292shaleen srivastava(india)
GuestArslan Sir
i’m working on NOKIA ultrasite Edge BTS
but i have confusion regarding commissioning i could not able to get the meaning of every setting which we apply there
some of the details i knew but there are lots more which are still locked
can u please put some light on my prob.12th October 2005 at 13:21 #39293Honey
Guesthello i’m honey i’m new in this communication field i’ve seen the installation of bts and its commisioning i want to know more about it and am also bit confused between the two feeder cables running from one antenna. would you pleas make clear between the TRX and diversed port of antenna (i.e. + and -)
12th October 2005 at 17:22 #39294srini
GuestHi All,
can anyone suggest some GSM Antenna Vendors who can supply , the antennas at optimum cost .
already i am using Kathreine ,Andrew , RFS& Andrews in my n/w . kindly suggest other than this .
25th October 2005 at 10:30 #39295pushpendra
Guestsir, may i know the features &specialityn of nokia bts as com pared to other company bts
28th October 2005 at 20:11 #39296shaleen srivastava
Guestrespected sir
why these days communication equipments are powered by negative graticule?6th November 2005 at 14:30 #39297Lijo Johny
i am working in an installation and commissioning company.
i would like to know more about bts working.
can anyone plz explain the working of ericsson RBS2206 or RBS2204.
the functions of various modules in it.
…Lijo22nd November 2005 at 08:53 #39298shaleen srivastava(INDIA)
Guesthello everybody
can anybody tell me the fullform of
“EDGE” tech.and one more thing
i have found that the main diff in fiu19 and fiu19E is the 10baseT port
can anybody tell me the use of that port.waiting for ur reply
regards23rd November 2005 at 15:12 #39299mian
Guestanyone is ignoring this question ,is nobody know it:
difference b/w the ultra BTS and Metro BTS.??
I would like to know that why BTS we are giving the -ve supply.How much power consumed by 1 TRx,and total power consumed by bts.
How much Max power ,we can give in 1 GSM antenna
24th November 2005 at 05:49 #39300James
Guesthai mian
which BTS u r using?
is it nokia?24th November 2005 at 05:58 #39301james
GuestHI hassan butt
There are two types of signalling in BTS.one is BCF or OMU signalling another one is TRX(TRU)signalling24th November 2005 at 12:18 #39302Vimal
GuestHi Shaleen,
EDGE=Enhanced Data For Global Evolution
24th November 2005 at 12:20 #39303Vimal
GuestHi Mian,
It is given -ve Supply to BTS ,just only to make easist circuit design and to more safty purpose.24th November 2005 at 12:39 #39304Vimal Goel
GuestHi Anil Patil,
Difference B/W Ultra & Metro BTS..
Main Diff is output Power of metro BTS is less then Ultra BTS
Metro BTS can go Max.222 Config.
Metro BTS is used only for Small area.
If still any doubt then Let me Know.
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