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Quintum 800

  • This topic has 204 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years ago by Rabin Manandhar.
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  • #22955

    I have DSL(PPPoE) w/1 static IP and trying to connect a linksys router using NAT to my A800, I allowed all ports quintum requires, I hit my radius but can’t reach my other gateway, where am I going wrong here? Help please!!!



    by the way I tried DMZ and does not work, probably I am doing it wrong…How can I set it up?


    Sam Tomar

    Quintum ( Tenor A400/A800 requires ) Static IP , does not work on private IP.
    Good Luck


    We have the A400/A800 working on a private LAN ( with an DHCP external IP from Cable ISP and it works fine. We also have a billing (RADIUS/AAA, IVR servers on the Internet to provide billing for the A400/A800 on a private LAN over cable modem and all are working!


    Jeff I was never able to complete a call where am I going wrong can you share thought please…



    u need to config the tenor with DHCP on and with the external IP point to the DSL box’s IP. U can connect the Tenor on the private LAN and make sure the Linksys pass the packets back to the private IP. Let me know if you have more problem.




    i’m new to voip and i have this equipment, Quintum A800, which i need to configure to have a link between a phone connected to A800 and at the other end is netmeeting (soft phone). what are the basic configurations i need. Can it run on any OS like Win2000 or it will be better if the OS use in netmeeting is Win98.

    Thanks and hope you can help me.



    I had a few question about a tenor A400/A800 behind I a firewall. I currently have almost the same set up, but was wondering about gatekeeper fuunctions. and other device connecting to it.

    e-mail @

    when you have some time please.




    You need to make sure the A800’s IVR functions are off and H.245 tunneling is off. Also make sure the DSP voicecoding is set to G.723 or Quintum code number “81”.
    You have two choices on the Netmeeting softphone; gateway to gateway call or gateway to gatekeeper call. gateway to gateway you need to point the netmeeting to the A800’s IP address and there are static routes on the Tenor. Gatekeeper call you need to point the Tenor’s internal gatekeeper (turn on the boarder element by assign its own IP address) and register the netmeeting with the Tenor. Have fun!



    If your Tenor is working behind a firewall with all H.323 functions, all gatekeeper functions should work as well. After all the gatekeeper is a part of the H.323 specs.


    let get a bit more detailed.

    The A400 is programed with and internal and external IP address.

    The A400 is behind the firewall/nat (linux box). It connects fine A400 to A200. This is via static routes.

    When I removed the static routes from the A400 and the A200 and programed the A200 to use the external IP address of the A400 as its gatekeeper. It registers fine, but when it tries to make a call, the RTP reply addess becomes the internal IP address of the A400.

    Has anyone seen this and is there a work around for this. It is getting very crazy adding static routes to 2 A200’s and a A400, so they can communicated with each other.



    When we placed Tenor 400/800 behind the firewall with only few ports being opened as included in the documentation, we saw considerable degradation in the voice quality


    Hi I am working with static routes. When I use 2 A200 the phone calls works fine.

    From a A800 (configured with be) phone 1 connected to PBX1 I can call to Phone 2 in a A200. work Fine.

    But WhenI trying to do a phone call from TelePhone in A200 to the Phone in A800 the call is lost.

    How can I confgure the LDN and accepts calls in A800.?
    Somebody have some tip, thanks


    I’m trying to set up 2 Quintum A800 from scratch. The manual is not helping. Can anyone give me proper instructions ?
    Thank’s a lot

    Natanael Calderon

    How i can to make for conect two Tenor A800 for use in a same LAN, but i need to conect 4 Ports ext. of a PABX1 at 4 Port for the Tenor1, adn make the same fore other case….

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