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tenor A800

  • This topic has 206 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years ago by Sabuz.
Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 207 total)
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  • #22888

    Hello All,

    I have been configuring an AXM800 to work with Cisco Call Manager, now the problem is that i can’t route calls from Call Manager or to it via internet, the only way is by having a physical connection between them (RJ11) which is not possible due to lack of ports on the CM, i have used the “static routing” under “VoIP Configuration” but seems like the AXM is not doing it!!! and advice?

    MikeM to Ibrahim_Nextech


    I am not sure I understand the issue are you saying that you are not able to route calls from CM to Quintum, or from Quintum to CM or both?

    I am guessing that since you mentioned using the static routing it is sending the call from quintum to cm. If it is not using the SR, then maybe you do not have the correct match in the dn field for the dialed number. Make sure you have added a * at the end of the pattern in the dn and check whether you have set the number as public and private.

    Other than that, without seeing your config and watching some calls, I cannot say for sure what could be wrong. If you would like some assistance in this, you may contact me directly at

    Zahid sarowar

    Hello, can you help me tenor A800 quintum and Ax 800 series. complet sample configuration. I can modify it accordingly plz help me.

    MikeM to Zahid sarowar


    Because the tenor has so many options, there are many different ways to configure them depending on your need. There is no one sample configuration. Quintum does have some (limited) sample configurations on their web site for specific applications and you can try there.

    If you would like more assistance on the configuration, you may contact me directly at



    can u please help how to do the factory reset to QIIQ 2FXS gateway?

    Ibrahim_Nextech to Jhon

    you can do that by accessing the tenor via telnet or hyper terminal and switch to the “config” mode, then type “setfactory” …. you will be prompt to confirm, type “yes” and your configuration will be set to factory. note that only your ethernet settings will remain the same.

    Abdullah Farook

    Dear All
    i have a tenor asm400 gateway.When i m connected with this via console port . a prompt named login name and password come.i enter admin , admin as login name and password but i cannot enter.
    i push reset button than show database loaded. come again login prompt but i cannot enter
    i need to change ip.
    what should i do pls inform me

    Abdullah Farook

    Dear All
    if u have sample configuration of tenor as and a series pls send to me
    my email:

    MikeM to Abdullah


    I have sent you an email in reference to this. Basically, you need to provide more specific information on what you would like to do with the tenor.

    You may contact me at


    Hello friends,

    I have been using Tenor A800 since two years. All of a sudden I have ran into a trouble when configuring the IP address. As soon as I configured the Ip address and submit the changes, I sent a reboot and since then I was unable to get a prompt. It seems that the firmware has a problem as it is mentioned on the Quintum Website.

    I have the updated version but the only problem I am in is that I cannot have a ready state of the A800. It keeps resetting after displaying

    Serial channels will use a baud rate of 38400

    After board is reset, start-up code will wait 3 seconds
    To change any of this, press the key within 3 seconds
    Updating parameter storage. This may take a while…Done”

    I tried to hit Enter key many a times but it seems it does not respond to it and proceeds.

    If any of the Technical experts can get me some clue to get to a point at which I can upgrade its firmware I shall be very grateful.

    With Kindest Regards

    M.Riaz Malik

    MikeM to Riaz


    This sounds like an old problem that occurs when the IP address does not match the subnet mask or the default gateway.

    Since it is getting to the boot up prompt (hit enter within 3 seconds), you should hit enter and go through the boot up options making sure that the IP address, default gateway and subnet are correct. This means the they should all be in the same network mask. For example;

    IP =
    subnet =
    default gateway =

    this is wrong as the IP address is not in the same network as the default gateway.

    One way to get it to come back if all else fails is to set the IP to, default gateway to and subnet to

    Mike M


    Hello Mike,

    Thanks for the professionl hint. You are absolutely right there. What actually happened was that I forgot to configure the IP of the same subnet. The problem I am into is that the switch does not allow me to make the configurations at all. As I mentioned that it keeps rebooting before it stops to a prompt. The IP that I configured was not of the same subnet. I would love to get it back to normal if it would give me once chance to reconfigure itself. I have connected it to the console and can see how the rebooting loop keeps going on and on. The HIT ENTER in 3 SECS does not respond to my activity from the keyboard. Any suggestions to get it done would be highly appriciated.

    Thanks & regards

    M.Riaz Malik

    MikeM to Riaz


    if the tenor is not reacting when you hit enter, then try a differen PC to connect to the tenor as there may be a problem with the communications to the tenor from that PC. Also, make sure you have the correct settings in hyperterminal (or whatever program you are using to connect to the tenor). The correct settings should be, None, 8, 1 No Flow Control.

    Mike M



    I tried to configure the Tenor on three different computers unfortunately none of them worked. The communication from the Serial interface is ok and the settings are also configured as you suggested. I can only see the bootingup sequence of the Tenor A800 on the Hyper Terminal screen but the keyboard does not react according to when displayed to hit the Enter key within 3 secs. I never faced any problem like this before but, this seems as if the unit itself is not able to accept any input from the serial devices (Keyboard).

    Any hint that might work here ??

    Thanks for your valuable and kind support.

    M.Riaz Malik

    Mikem to Riaz


    That is very strange. If none are accepting the enter key, then I am not sure what else to do. I am sure you tried turning the unit off waiting for some time and turning it on and trying to hit enter from there.

    Other than that, I am not sure what else to do. Let me think on it for some bit and let you know if I come up with anything.


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