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tenor A800

  • This topic has 206 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years ago by Sabuz.
Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 207 total)
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  • #22873

    I have A400 quintum and i want to make both PSTN and PBX line to use IS there any way to pass through the calls Please suggest.

    MikeM to Davis

    Davis, do you mean that you want both PBX and PSTN ports to send calls over IP? Your message is not clear, but if that is what you want to do there are many, many ways to do this depending on your needs.

    If you would like to discuss your requirements with me, you may email me at or find me on MSN IM at the same id.

    Rusty to MikeM


    I have a Quintum AF800 how do i test dial, like test o 1… in the 1st generation quintums to test channels.

    System Software P103-08-09 Jan 25 2006, 13:32:55
    H323 Module : 3.1.1
    Boot Software P103-08-08

    pls advice..

    MikeM to Rusty

    In the gen 2, the command is

    debug test o 1
    debug test e


    I have to configure an AXM800 to receive calls from a PSTN line then diverte them to the IVR which is located somewhere else on the network, then the IVR will decide where the call should go in accordance to the caller request, after that the call is to be redirected over the IPNetwork (if the user chooses to call a remote place) … would that be possible? and can I know how???

    MikeM to Ibrahim_Nextech

    You can configure the Tenor to send all the incoming PSTN calls to your VoIP IVR, but once the calls are sent there, then the Tenor cannot redirect the calls. It would be the responsibility of the IVR to do reroute the calls to the endpoint.

    If your IVR is radius based, however, you could configure the tenor to answer the incoming calls and interact with your Radius to do prepaid or postpaid services. Once the call is authenticated then the tenor will route the call based on its configuration, to an endpoint.

    If you need further help or clarification, you may contact me at

    Ibrahim_Nextech to MikeM

    Thank you for the info. I have resolved the issue by connecting the PSTN lines directly to the IVR, then destributing them over channels and used Forced Routing Number to avoid doing port mapping. Now it appears that the tenor has a corrupted DB and requires resetting its flash!!!

    another question please, how can I save the configuration of my tenor to a .txt file or so??? I tried the sh -l command but I won’t be able to save all info!!!

    MikeM to Ibrahim_Nextech

    You really cannot save the file to a text file directly. You either have to use the show -l, but set your telnet session to save the output to a file or you can ftp the currentdb from the tenor to your pc, but this file is a compressed file and you will not be able to print it out.


    i have a Tenor A800 and i like to use its 8 fxs (pbx) for my call shopt. how to set the ivraccessnumber ?


    MikeM to Salaque

    In most cases you do not need to use the ivraccessnumber setting. You just need to setupfor postpaid in most cases. If you would like some more assistance in the configuration, you may contact me at

    Germán G.

    Hello people.

    Sorry but I’m in diapers on Quintum configuration. I need to configure one for this escenario:

    IP-Phone (receive/send calls on IP) QUINTUM (receive/send calls using the PSTN line) PSTN

    * Tenor Analog A800 Multipath Switch – 8 ports (Rev. B)

    What change do I need to make for this works.

    Please help me !!

    MikeM to German

    I can provide you my services for configuration of the A800. You may contact me at to discuss further.


    Apel Mahmud

    Hello All,

    I am facing some problem with Quintum tenor AX.Can any please help me to solve the following problems:

    1. I have 3 clients and their IP’s are: x.x.x.x , y.y.y.y , z.z.z.z

    and providers IP’s are(same dest.):
    A.A.A.A , B.B.B.B , C.C.C.C

    I want to configure my quintum so that:

    x.x.x.x can only allow to send calls to A.A.A.A

    y.y.y.y can only allow to send calls to B.B.B.B

    z.z.z.z can only allow to send calls to C.C.C.C

    if anyone can help it will be very grateful for me.

    MikeM to Apel


    I have sent you an email in this regards.


    Ibrahim_Nextech to Apel

    You can use the static routing under “VoIP Configuration” to do if you have no other restrictions.

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 207 total)
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