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Pakistan-destination for call centers

  • This topic has 36 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years ago by ADNAN MALIK.
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  • #15981
    Saeed Qadri

    For the last one year there has been a lot of interest in setting up call centers in Pakistan. Roughly 25 call centers are currently working in Pakistan. I wanted to start a thread of discussion in which anyone who is interested in setting up or bringing the work to Pakistan can discuss
    1) the apprehensions
    2) the positive points of bringing BPO/contact center work to Pakistan.

    As an enterpanuer in this industry this sort of analysis will be extremely helpful for all of us. Looking forward to hearing from you all.

    Best Regards
    Saeed Qadri

    Fawad Ahmad

    Dear Saeed

    How can able to build a trust to the companies who wants to shape up call centres in pakistan there must be need of an association where all the call centre of pakistan are came in one banner


    Fawad Ahmad

    Saeed Qadri

    You are right. But I guess now you already now myself at Voxel Communications and some other call centerrs have taken this initiative of CCAP i.e Call center Association of Pakistan.

    PS: I wrote the initial proposal of this association. 🙂 🙂

    Saeed Qadri

    Aksam Zaheer

    Hi Saeed,
    I think the main thing to bring business in Pakistan is to establish a confidence into the minds of clients accross the globe. They should be comfortable about the privacy and security of their information. Similarly they should be comfortable with the quality of service provided through VoIP. Things like break down in internet services can shake the confidence of your client. As long as your basic infrastructure provided to you by the authorities is not working, no association will help to bring business in pakistan.

    One more thing which can shake the confidence of any potential client!! The news section on your company’s website do not work when some body clicks on it. it gives an error message:) . please do not take it negative. As i myself am working as an IT manager in a US based company in Islamabad, i know the importance of getting notice of such errors before any client notices it.

    Saeed Qadri

    I totally agree with you. BTW the links are working now thanks for noticing.

    Saeed Qadri

    Nasser Siddiq

    We are a retail travel organisations in UK, and are seriously considering moving our calls to Pakistan, preff. Karachi as we have travel associates there.
    We would train the team etcc with our own resouces sent from the UK and also may base staff on a rota system.
    I am interested in knowing the set up costs for a two way call centre that will eventually accommodate 15 people, and its reliability with PAK comms etc

    Appreciate your prompt response


    It is just wonderful that people has not only started thinking but also initiating to have composite body to make Call Center operation not only smooth one but sustaiable too since a lot many youth’s living is directly linked to it.

    Warm regards.

    Abdul Qayyum Shahid


    The real edge which we have or we could have over our Indian counterparts is our way of speaking english ‘American way’.The point is that we can capatalize this gifted talent of our youth in the due process of convincing offshore investor to outsource business to here in Pakistan. At the face value this could appear as a small point but a very significant one in order to win a bid to get business.



    Saeed Qadri

    Dear Shahid,

    I agree with you on this. But one thing that I have noticed that our indian friends have a better work culture at this point in time than us. They have mature processes and mature people on the floor.

    If this industry is to thrive in Pakistan the work culture will need to change drastically and that again pretty soon.

    Islands of excellence exist here and there ; but a general change need to come in. People need to be more responsible, they need to curtail the habit of over commiting and thean falling short.

    All in all Pakistan is poised to be a strong alternative destination for BPO.

    Cheers! and good luck.

    Saeed Qadri

    attn: Saeed Qadri

    I think just the better accent of Pakistani CSRs is a major benefit to a call center


    Gulshan Shaheen

    Well i’m pleased to here that Pakistan are moving up the ladder and getting in with western life.
    I would love to work and live in Pakistan, but need abit of help with where to start. Having call centres in Pakistan bring much more opportunities and jobs, Hopefully these businesses will expand and Pakistan will be recognised in the global market when otehr businesses decide to move away.


    Asad Khan

    I have experience of working in call centr.
    i m very pleased to know that call centere bussiness is getting popularty in pakistan.
    i hope it will create a lot of job opportunities in pakistan


    Saeed Sb. AOA:

    May I know what are the alternatives available to VoIP one can utilize in Islamabad. Why don’t people like VoIP and what is the best solution to have a deterioration free high speed connection.

    Best regards

    Saeed Qadri


    The alternative is expensive and that is IPLC. It will cost 6600 USD per month for a E1 on IPLC. The quality will be higher and will be as good as traditional phone lines.

    VOIP on a good IP connection is almost as good as IPLC. But you need to have a CIR consistency.

    Packet losses in DSL and DXX circuits cause problems ; the bandwidth provided by PSEB in STPs is very good and generally suffices in lieu of IPLC.



    Respected Saeed Sb AOA:

    Your guidance reflects like a blessing from a noble teacher. May I know why do you serve human beings without knowing their identity, race or religion and even without any hope for a reward? I have a great respect in my heart for you.

    I would like to draw your attention towards no-calling list, which has exceeded the figure of 55 million by the end of April 2004. How much would this affect call center industry?

    2nd burning issue at the moment is quality of the service provided by the companies operating from the offshore for the sake of minimizing expenditures. The complaints are either customer service reps don’t understand the problem or don’t respond properly. And because of this reason many a companies have withdrawn their operations from offshore to US.

    3rd important issue I would like to mention is that Global Call Center Summit is in process at St. Louis (3-5 May) where people responsible to outsource the call center business from US will decide their destiny as many a legislations or in process to be presented at the US senate and the state capitals. What do you think what will be the decision. To me; They will raise the point that if we don’t take advantage of this scenario of outsourcing then someone else like Pakistanis or Indians will pick the benefit, then why not us. I think this is the only valid point they can raise in their defense. Let’s see what happens.

    Finally about myself I am in the process of preparation and planned to join anyone of the call center as an employee as I think in near future this industry will occupy all other businesses in Pakistan and I am expecting rapid growth of my career in this industry as I am already very much back of time.

    Best regards

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