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Reply To: BTS


Hi Vetri.

So.. u want to calibrate the GCLK?
These are equipments u might need.
1. Freq. Generator. It’s for your freq. monitoring. Connect it to the freq. port of the GCLK. Usually the cable of the Freq. Gen is black(negative) and red(positive). Do not even try to connect the red first. Connect the black one first.
2. Something like a screwdriver to tuning the freq. at the gclk. There’s a hole at the gclk for freq. tuning. U can adjust the freq from that hole. At the same time, monitor your freq. Generator to get the best freq. (14,… MHZ-> i forgot –> Read your Motorola Manual).

Sorry mate. I couldn’t give u a complete explanation. As now I’m in Nokia BSC O&M. I use Motorola about 2 years ago. So.. I forgot a little, but still remember the concept…
By the way… If u have any questions in Motorola BSC, do not hesitate to ask me. There’s a lot of things u have to learn. LANX connections, KSWX connections, Expanded and Expansion KSWX, Local or Remote KSWX, etc. See you mate…