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  • This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 21 years ago by shubhavenkatesh.
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  • #14052
    Mahendra Halai

    Does anyone know how much it costs for an average UK call centre to seat 1 employee?

    Office Space Costs:
    Average Training Costs:
    Table & Chair Costs:
    IT Infrastructure Costs:
    IT Support Staff Costs:
    Supervisor pay:
    Manager pay:
    Payroll Costs:
    Accountant costs:

    Or any other costs that I havent mentioned.

    Or maye someone can refer me to a UK Pricing Website??

    Thank you

    Seema Khunti

    I also need the same information on what the average costs are for an Indian call centre to seat one employee.

    Office Space Costs
    Average Trainning Costs
    Eeneral Equipment Costs
    IT Infrastructure Costs
    IT Support Staff Costs
    Supervisor Pay
    Manager Pay
    Payroll Costs
    Accountant Costs
    Agent Pay

    Also any other costs that a Western country would have to consider if they are to move thier call centre operations to India

    I would be very grateful for any help with this as it is for the purposes of my dissertation.

    Thank You

    Gene Reynolds

    This message is addressed to both of you.

    your answers will vary significantly based on the location of the call centre and the management structure. A typical contact centre with a typical layout and traditional mangement and office provsionin will cost on average £20,000 per Full time equivalent. Treat this number with care, as it will vary based on location, and other factors. Also important to note, the UK minimum wage is about £11,000 per annum.


    Can I be a trainer while being trained on the same in the company??

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