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Reply To: Switch Planning for GSM

Khamisi Kalegele

Hi Friends,
Most of our sites are multiband.We have just introduced a dual band site(1,2,3 GSM 900 Sectors and 4,5,6 DCS 1800 Sectors) with 3/3/3 and 2/2/2 configuratins respectively.
Strange!.DCS 1800 Sectors are experiencing very high TCH Cong.(Up to 75%)while corresponding GSM 900 sectors have always less than 1.5% TCH Cong. Sectors 1 & 4 points in same direction,2 & 5 same orientation and 3 & 6 same orientation.
We tried to set 900 as a preffered band to try balancing traffic load,but it never worked.We also tried to enable directed_Retry,it never worked again.I’m afraid we mess up somewhere when enabling Directed_Retry.Please help advice.