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Reply To: Is Pakistan ready for inbound

Anwar Kazi


Good points, let me throw in my 2 cents to get the ripple effect going, below are your points and my one-liners lets see where we go from here:

1. HR policies
Anwar’s Reply:
We need to treat this industry as any other industry in Pakistan where the HR can see a clear career path and as their needs change with age, the Call Center is there to support them. Asset needs of Cars, Homes, education etc should or cannot be also avoided
2. Training
Anwar’s Reply:
After HR this is the second filter in a call center, people still believe here that training can be taken lightly, the goverment needs to support us here by involving foreign trainers to go inside current call centers, fix up the mess, train the trainers etc
3. Business development
Anwar’s Reply:
choose a vertical, pay for learning by getting consultants on board, then convert them in being marketeers for you
4. Quality Assurance / COPC / ISO
Anwar’s Reply:
forget the relevance of ISO in this field, COPC is the way to go will take about 18 months or so
5. Technology Trends
Anwar’s Reply:
start with hosted then move to in-house

As for the meeting is concerned, our company has always had a large presence at any event which will support the Call Center cause in Pakistan
