Hello Mr. Naveed,
Your comment about Pakistani people striving to be the world’s no.1 IT nation is quite complimenting and definitely applausible, and I pray to God that one day Pakistan is the Information Technology Hub of Asia instead of any other country, be it for outsourcing, or any other IT solution.
I agree with you to the extent that Mr. Rehan should not have mentioned a personal experience with just one customer in an open forum like this where people from all over the world come to visit and catch a glimpse of our country. However, I believe he was just feeling quite defensive about his product as Super Phones were quite seriously thrashed in an earlier post on this thread.
Having said all that, I believe it is IMPERATIVE for all of us to maintain strict discipline in what we say on this forum. Everyone in this world is looking at us through this window and if we are going to rub all our personal problems (including even domestic issues one day! :D) on this window, it will be impossible for others to see the real us.
Thank you!