Dear Mr. Saeed Qadri
first of all thankyou very much for ur attention and swift response, definitly i would need more guidance from you and inshallah if everthing goes well i will bring my team down and benefit from your experience , setup and services, i am glad i found you and i might be coming down to pakistan in few days as my company is pushing hard for this project but i want to do my research and meet with the right people before i go ahead….because i only want to succeed and i am ready to pay the price….i will make a payment and get my contact info so that we can chat over the phone…..i have few more points i wanna discuss…i will be greatful if u can throw some facts in as i have been away from PAK for 5 years…….
1. i found PTCL bandwidth rates a bit expensive, with satellite connectivity they must be even higher, are there any other quality bandwidth providers who offer for less or bit more reasonable rates??
2. can we expect bandwith prices to drop down in the near future with more and more people interested in opoening call centres in pakistan??
3. what is the situation with goverment procedures, i.e regestration, PTA attitude, licensing, dealings with PTCL`s bureaucracy…………what i mean to ask if things run smooth its a bumpy road………
once again thanks for ur response and after i get my contact published i would like to discuss the my initial needs and cost of ur services with you………thankyou and talk to u soon
Malik ahmed