to add to karen’s suggestions. the enire 5age can be automated on tools like NICE and Etalk. The only manual work is the evaluation bit. You may also want to look at accuracy of data entered into the CRM and just how online it was. The reason I stress on this is because many agents to enhance productivy do work meant to be done online at an offline time and this disrupts the entire workflow and affects cycle times and finally customer service. You may aslo need to monitor skills of screen navigation and this done by sone good screen scho softwares. You can then have the evaluator do an online monitoring of the call and also see what the agent is actually doing on the screen online. This is another great tool that tells us if the screens are used adequately and the kind of information entered onto the mainframes or CRM’s. This is also a good tool for a technical call center where the agents take control of the callers machines and resolve issues on the call ROFC. Will let us know of training issues and pain areas.