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openh323 gatekeeper compilation error

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  • #25222

    I have the following compilation error when I compile openh323 gatekeeper.

    Does anyone had the same error ?

    ./obj_linux_x86_d/gkauth.o: In function `_GLOBAL__I_GkAuthSectionName’:
    /root/openh323gk/gkauth.cxx:213: multiple definition of `Singleton::m_CreationLock’
    ./obj_linux_x86_d/gk.o:/root/openh323gk/gk.cxx:63: first defined here
    ./obj_linux_x86_d/gkauth.o: In function `_GLOBAL__I_GkAuthSectionName’:
    /root/openh323gk/gkauth.cxx:213: multiple definition of `Singleton::m_CreationLock’


    hello freinds ,
    iam desparatliy trying to configure ciscoAS5300 till now not with much success .

    when i configure the ciscoAS5300 for openh323gk by following the steps given in this below link

    GW could not able to register to the openh323GK
    in debug mode gk gives this message

    2004/10/01 14:20:20.944 1 RasSrv.cxx(1002) GK RRQ Received
    2004/10/01 14:20:20.945 2 RasSrv.cxx(1295) RRJ||AS5300GW:h323_ID|gateway|invalidCallSignalAddress;

    2004/10/01 14:20:20.945 3 RasSrv.cxx(2332) GK Send to 202.*.*.254:55530
    registrationReject {
    requestSeqNum = 10
    protocolIdentifier =
    rejectReason = invalidCallSignalAddress
    gatekeeperIdentifier = 6 characters {
    0074 0065 0073 0074 0067 006b testgk

    can any body help me

    with regards

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