Advanced VOIP Training This topic has 7 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 23 years, 8 months ago by James Skinner. Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total) Author Posts 7th May 2001 at 19:49 #20313 John McMillanGuest I need to find an advanced VOIP/H323 course that covers VOIP network design and traffic engineering, and troubleshooting VOIP networks. Any suggestions? 14th May 2001 at 19:51 #20314 Suzanne BassettGuest We provide VoIP Fundamentals and Advanced VoIP courses. Please visit us at 5th June 2001 at 15:26 #20315 James SkinnerGuest We provide bespoke Telecomms and data training at customers site Visit us at 6th June 2001 at 18:09 #20316 John McMillanGuest The link does not work — is it correct? 8th June 2001 at 03:04 #20317 Donald NorthGuest Try TONEX at They have great courses 8th June 2001 at 21:55 #20318 John McVeyGuest Our company Niche Networks provides companies with the training you describe. Visit us at 11th June 2001 at 16:17 #20319 James SkinnerGuest John McMillian Excel training correct Web address Sorry for the confusion 11th June 2001 at 16:18 #20320 James SkinnerGuest John McMillian Excel training correct Web address Sorry for the confusion Author Posts Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total) The forum ‘Voice over IP’ is closed to new topics and replies.