I wasn’t aware of such message, it’s interesting.
Paging overload is probably a BSC defense mechanism. The BSC has a paging processing limit, which is usually reached when you mapped too many LAC in your BSC.
for example :
BSC 1 = LAC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
BSC 2 = LAC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
BSC 3 = LAC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Each BSC is handling 6 LAC. That means that the MSC is sending a lot of pagings to each BSC.
If you do something like this :
BSC 1 = LAC 1, 2
BSC 2 = LAC 3, 4
BSC 3 = LAC 5, 6
then each BSC is still handling the same amount of cells, and each cell is still sending the same amount of pagings (1/6th of the whole network pagings, assuming the 6 LAC have equal size)
but each BSC is handling 3 times less pagings -> the paging processing is much less than before.