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ALCATEL: PDU_lifetime_order

  • This topic has 4 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 13 years ago by p1988.
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  • #66829

    Hello all member of this wonderfull forum!
    And especially – alcatel gurus 😉

    Could you please explaine the meaning of one particular parameter – PDU_lifetime_ordering?

    Because the dictionary in OMC-R says that it depends on SGSN’s behaviour – it changes PDU_lifetime value in accepceptable or NOT acceptable manner…
    as for me very ambiguous explanation

    Could you please help me with it?

    Many thanks in advance



    here is the actual recommendation:


    Should be set to “ordering disabled”, when the MFS interfaces with :
    – an Ericsson SGSN
    – or any SGSN modifying the PDU Lifetime value (during data flows addressed to the same MS on the same LLC SAPI) in a non-acceptable manner

    –> otherwise should be set to “ordering enabled”.

    By default, it is ENABLED.
    It is not changeable, except internally, by ALU teams.

    Basically, there is no reason for not wanting to re-order the PDUs before sending them to the MS, except when interfacing with specific SGSN. This parameter was probably used to improve compatibility with *old* SGSN, in the past.



    Pix, thank you very much for such a quick and detailed answer!
    just some more moments – if you please:
    – how does SGSN change lifetime of PDU – like router in the LAN?
    – as far as i understand if we set this parameter = enable we can *save* some PDU because thanks to the process of ordering PDUs with smaller lifetime will be sent earlier than the ones with bigger lifetime? – is it right?

    Thanks you very much once more



    You are asking interestng questions, but unfortunately I am not able to answer them. This mechanism (the pdu ordering) is not described in the documents I have.


    Do you have a specific problem in your network, or is it just a general inquiry ?



    Hello, Pix!

    In any case – thank you for your attention and help.
    As I see you are the heart of this forum, i saw not many threads without your participation.

    About PDU lifetime ordering – it’s because we got a recommendation from Alcatel TAC to disable it as response to our FR (spontaneous reset of GPUs beacuse of internal bufer overload).
    So i wanted to undersand the purpose of this action and the most important thing – possible consequences. My opinion now – it’s better not to touch 🙂

    …. and problems come faster than i can solve them :))) just got a new one from my bosss – MC02d event….
    i feel that soon i’ll tired all of you here

    have a nice day!!
    and thank you once more

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