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  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 21 years ago by Technical Support.
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  • #36201

    Does anyone know the definition for the “Agent Availability” section on the Project Properties screen of ANSAPOINT? Does this percentage, include yearly shrinkage parameters such as sicknesses, vacations, official holidays, day-offs, etc? Or is it just the percentage of available time that an agent has to receive calls within a work day?

    I have serious problems about this terminology. Because it is different in Mitan Calculators and Aspect’s eWFM.

    I need to calculate the number of total staff (not the seat numbers) that we require to run the business. However I am not sure about the Utilization and Occupancy definitions. On the other hand I am not sure, which one of these two parameters should be taken into consideration in order to reach the correct number.

    I do appreciate any comments and suggestions.



    Technical Support

    Agent availability is a short term figure. It defines the percentage of time during the period under analysis that an agent is available for handling calls. For example, if during an hour, they perform 12 minutes of administrative work and, during that time, are not available to handle calls, then the Agent Availability is 80%. However, Agent Availability is not the same a wrap up time. Wrap up time is the time after each call that an agent is not available. The time used to calculate Agent Availability is not call dependant.

    The point is, it is not a long term figure and does not take illness, holiday etc. into account.

    I hope that helps.

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