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How can I work aboard ??

  • This topic has 10 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years ago by Pix.
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  • #45443

    Dear Sir,

    It is from Taiwan. I am an RF optimization engineer. In the past 9 years, I worked all in operators and were fimilar with SIEMENS GSM as well as NOKIA UMTS. Recently, I decided to work aboard and tried to search jobs on Internet. But it seems not a good way for seeking a job.
    Can anyone tell me how to find jobs aboard ? Is there any effective way ? Is there any famous consulting agent worldwide ? Or could you show me the way you find your job ?


    tweng email me i live in uk
    i will let u inform how to get jobs here in uk

    u can add me on msn as well then discuss over there


    You can google for the main consultant compnaies in the world, and/or subscribe to or You’ll find the main ones there.

    Keep in mind you’ll need a working visa, and that may not be easy to obtain ! Unless you’re willing to work in “developing” countries (middle east, africa). In those countries, it is easier to get a working permit.

    Good luck


    Many thanks for your reply.

    But I still have two questions,
    1. How can I get a working visa ? Do I have to pass any examination or try to find a company want to hire me ?
    2. If I am willing to work in developing country ? How much will I get at a senior optimisation engineer position ?



    in dev. countries, the daily rates are about 400+ USD / day (Nigeria, Dubai, Iraq, Pakistan, …) (that’s alcatel networks, but i’m sure siemens and nokia have similar countries)

    you need to contact your employer there and they will arrange for your working visa. Yes, you need to find a company that is willing to hire you in that country before proceeding for a working visa. They will take care of that for you though.

    It might not be easy, but it worths trying !


    Hi PIX do u know does Middle east have Alcatel systems deployed, if yes which countries



    Many thanks again. You must be a consultant a while.

    Two more question !
    1. Could you recommend me which is the best way to contact my potential employer ?
    2. How do the date rate go ? As I searched on web, I could only get “Negotiable” or “Attractive”. Could you explain much more detail on it ? (Taking me as an example will be highly appreciated !!)



    Email your CV and a quick description of what you’re looking for to the “Email contact” as given on the website. They are usually eager to hire new consultants.

    This email contact is usually Human Resources. So no need to be to technical in your quick description. Simply orientate him/her to your area of expertise, and your mobility.

    Daily rate = the money you receive everyday.
    For instance : you stay 30 days in a country, you receive 30 x daily rate.
    For experienced RNO engineer, expatriated + consultant, expect 150 to 400 USD / day.


    Hi John,

    Yes… UEA (=Emirates Arabs ? i’m not sure about ortograph, sorry) , Irak, Pakistan.. I’m not sure about the others.

    I wouldn’t contact them directly though, but rather go through a consultant company (local or international) that have contacts with them.


    Hi Pix,

    You make me more understanding on working aboard !!

    Now I am trying to summary all the process before I start to post my resume. The 3 steps below depict the process I get at the mean time. If there was any thing incorrect, please let me know, thanks.

    1. Try to post my resume on websites or with short description on what I am interested in.
    2. If HR agents are interested me, there will contact me and send my CV to the potential employers.
    3. If the potential employers think I am a potentail candidate, they will arrange an interview with me and make the final decision.

    Are the steps listed above are correct ? Besides, in each step, what shall I notice and what are detail going to take place ?





    I can’t give details, but yes, the steps are right.

    Alternatively, contact other consultant companies and/or contact equipment vendors (huawei, ericsson, alcatel…) with which you worked alreday (send them a CV). They might be interested in using you as a consultant for themselves.

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