1 GSM carrier at site A. Since GSM has 7 TCH, I can only have max 7 persons making simultaneous calls. Does this assume that these 7 people are calling people OUTSIDE of the site A??? What if they are actually calling people WITHIN the site A??? How many simultaneous calls can be made???
No problem if these 7 people are calling outside or inside of the side A. The max number of simultaneous calls is still 7. You can imagine that 1 TCH = 1 PSTN line (fixed tetephone line).
But if these 7 people are calling within the site A, they are sharing the same resources. So impossible for them to call at the same time, right???
Let’s say Person1 use TS1, Person2 use TS2, so on. Assuming, Person1 call Person2, Person3-Person4, Person5-Person6, Person7 can only call outside site A. True?
What I am driving at is the no. of unique group calls available at site A with only 1 GSM carrier. Is below true?
Scenerio 1: 7 people are calling people OUTSIDE of the site A, then there will be 7 unique group calls (between 2 people).
Scenerio 2: 7 people are calling people all INSIDE of the site A, then there will only be 3 unique group calls, plus the last person either to be put on hold or call OUTSIDE site A.
In this case, is there any difference when we calculate the traffic erlang for scenerio 1 & 2?
Does the Erlang C traffic table assume unique calls? Should we use different GOS value for scenerio 1 & 2, since the chance of blocking is obviously higher in scenerio 2?
I dont see any difference in traffic dimensioning for scenerio 1 & 2. And the Erlang B table should be used, not Erlang C. The GOS also the same for both case. I dont think the chance of blocking in scenerio 2 is higher!!! Because in both scenerio, the call will be connected at the remote MSC side, NOT at the local side.