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Dimensioning Trunks

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 20 years ago by Arindam.
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  • #38571

    Hi, some one can help me please?

    I’d like to dimensioning a Trunk in wich I’ve to atend 1197 call per hour, and the duration per call must be 60 seconds (1 minute.I dont know how to define the bloking so that I can can guarantee all the calls. What “%” of bloked calls is considered bad? 5%?3%? How may I stimate this factor?

    thanks very much forehand for your help.


    Since you have 1197 call/hr. That means your call arrival rate is 1197/60 (call per second)=0.3325.
    The mean holding time is 60sec. So the carried traffic is

    Look up this value in the erlang table for 1% GOS, you will get the number of trunks.

    Typically for GSM air interface 2% GOS is considered. For A Interface 1%.


    Arindam Dey

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