25th November 2011 at 08:30
Hi Pix,
these are the values of CHO_Quality 10days before and 10 after AMR_FR/TFO/RepSACCH activation on one BSC in my region:
BSC_xx AVG_10days_before AVG_10days_after
CHO_DL_quality_rate(GHCSTEQLDR)(%) 0.43% 0.54%
CHO_UL_quality_rate(GHCSTEQLUR)(%) 0.30% 0.80%
CHO_quality_rate(GHCSTEQLR)(%) 0.72% 1.34%
As you see there the CHO_Quality increased but I can not find reasons..May be my settings are not correct:((
About the changes of L_RXQUAL_DL_H_AMR and L_RXQUAL_UL_H_AMR, today I will try to change for some “HOquality increased” cells and give you information on monday…
Best regards,