My next query is regarding Coverage in Rural areas.Actually i want to know that how successful is the implementation of 1. High gain antennas with 21 db gain,i mean if we are having incar coverage in a villg say 4.5-5 km dist. and with Rx lev around -85 to -90 with uniform AMSL.with 18 db antenna then is there any possiblity that with implementing HGA we can provide indoor cov there i mean level will inc definitely but how much any propotions.2.TMA same case how much uplink will be affected 3. Implementing Uncombined mode if we are using Hybrid Combiners then with implementing Uncombind mode 3db loss will be cut off and covg will inc but how much.
I really need to address these issues as we are having constant Cust Complaints mainly due to indoor covg and implementing a new site is not possible since Our S&M team will not approve that due to revenue issues so i want to know how can we provide affective covg with less expenditure.
I personally beleive People having vast field experiences can address it with some practical soln anyways all suggestions are welcome and i shud stop writin bcoz its getin very big