woaw… i said something wrong in a previous post (15th june 2010), i copied it below.
The actual truth is different. When Gs is installed, the CS pagings :
1/ goes from MSC to BSC (to PCH) if MS is not in PTM (= in idle mode)
2/ goes from MSC to SGSN (to PACCH) if MS is in PTM (= in GPRS packet transfer mode)
********** wrong post here ********
Pix – 15th June 2010 (17:43 GMT)
Hi Safar,
The rule is so simple… when you install Gs interface:
ALL cs paging go from MSC to SGSN.
ZERO cs paging go from MSC to BSC.
Whatever the MS, whatever its state.
, whatever whatever 🙂
The thing is that it is only the PCU (=MFS in alcatel) that can process & redirect the cs pagings. It will send CS paging through PACCH, and other CS paging to the BSC (so they will later be send through PCH)
Well, i’m sure yo understand my point 🙂