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Reply To: Alcatel NbExtraAbisTS definition


Hi, all.

Pix said:
“… **** The rule is 1 TCUC for 8 extra TS **** …”

It’s Right. My mistake was induced by the fact that me and my colleagues consider 1 TCU = 4 TCUC.
It’s NOT RIGHT. TCUC means a unit which is a part of the A-bis TSU.

I’ll try to summarize:
A9120 Evolium BSC ( G2 ) = up to 14 TSUs.
1 TSU = 8 TCUs ( TCUCs ). Each TCUC should be configured as FR TCUC or DR TCUC.

1 FR TCUC = 4 FR TRX or 8 Extra PS TS or mixture ( no DR TRX possibility )

1 DR TCUC = 2 DR TRX ( only ).

I think there is a limitation for the 1st TCUC of the 1st TSU of each BSC rack – it cannot be DR TCUC configured.


Hamdi, when we put a new BTS in the cities and towns, if we have a free A-bis and TSU resources we put 8 to 10 Extra TSs per BTS.
If it’s not possible we put as much as we can.
Then if we need resourses ( new TRXs or FR to DR reconfigurations ) we cut of what we need. Adding a 3rd A-bis is in too rare cases.