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Reply To: Traffic Balancing


Hello Abdul,

big questions for a thursday morning 🙂

The 10dB “hysteresis” is something I use, it is not mandatory. You can use 12dB if you prefer.

The CRO of cell 2 is always equal to 0, if you want to apply my “CRO” formula. Basically, what i’m saying is that we only modify the CRO of cell 1, based on the fact that the CRO of cell 2 is = 0.
Keep in mind that the CRO is “relative”, it only add more or less weight to a cell, comared to other cells.
i.e. if all cells have a CRO = 25dB, it’s the same as if they were all havgin CRO = 0dB.
i.e. if CRO (cell1) = 6 and CRO(cell 2) = 4, it is equivalent to:
CRO(1) = 2 and CRO(2) = 0

In the case HOMARGIN(1,2) = 6 and HOMARGIN(2,1) = 4, I would use CRO(1) = 1dB and CRO(2) = 0dB.
Since CRO=1dB is not possible (CRO has 2dB step-increments), I will use 0dB on both cells.

Regarding RXLEV ACCESS MIN and MS POWER MAX, it will impact the C1 and C2 computation. So, YES, you’ll have to take it into account in your CRO, if you want to balance the traffic properly.
For instance.
cell 1:
cell 2:

A MS will measure a “bonus” of 10dB on cell 2, compared to cell 1. So you should put CRO(1) = 10dB and CRO(2) = 0dB, to counteract this “bonus”.
