Hi Fawad,
Welcome in Call Centers
Here is your all the answers
Answer #1
Cost depends upon the Call carrier, what type of technology deployment you are doing? Coz the setup of Call Center design, Call Center network cost not diverges as much.
Monthly cost major cost factors are
1-Call Solution provider
2-Internet Bandwidth
3- Human Resource
In every operation which can be operate on the Phone.
For Example
Customer support
Sales calls
Marketing Calls
Secretarial Jobs
Order Bookings
Flight inquiries
For conclusion the target companies are Banks, Marketing Companies, IT Companies, Food Centers and all that type of Companies.
Good question
Its all depend upon the Project which you are operating in your Call Center.
2 major terms use in Call center
Inbound and Outbound
On Inbounds you get a Settle amount.
On Outbound all depend upon agent sales Performance
Ans# 4
You are on the Startup Call Center and initially you have to start from Maximum 20 seats then gradually increase.
Your team should have these members
1-Call Center Consultant
2-Network Expert
2-Floor Manager
3- Team leaders
Qualification must be reputable university Graduate.
You have to concern with proper consultancy firm in your region. Like Spikes Technologies (www.spikestech.com) they are only only working on the Call center consultancy in your region and they can guide you all the aspect of Call Center.
So Simple
1-Register your company in Pakistan
2- Get register with PSEB (www.pseb.org.pk/)
3- Apply for Call Center http://www.ptcl.com.pk/customer_care/forms/pseb_reg_form_call_centre.pdf
further any information you required message me.