I totally agree with Mr. Chaudhri, Pakistan has all the potential, as i mentioned in my earlier posting below… its just that people forgot here that we got accent, which is not available in other region…Awareness! is where we lack with others, Moreover Call Center’s here need to focus on the QC/QA Processes which covers accent, communication skills…not getting people with the rite lingo, we keep forgeting that Sales Tactics needs to be developed before getting an agent LIVE on Campaign/Product Knowledge with competitive analysis needs to be applied in all campaigns that follows proper SOPs/Guidelines which is of international standards like COPC, ISO 9001 etc…to fullfill customer’s demand….I am sure if we work on these areas, things gonna be more positive then what it is now… There is a strong need of a Call Center Consortuim, which can represent Pakistani BPO market in USA/UK….as Call Centers or companies based in Pakistan never comes under US Patent Law, therefore we never get any legal protection from US/UK, since everything is done virtually …But if proper and legal documentation is there and a center meets customer’s requirement its a win-win situation for that center…and we keep forgetting these facts and start blaming others…We should work SMART rather than working HARD….IT plays vital role in this, if we don’t have infrastructure with experienced people things will never work out well….THere is a strong need for people to properly understand the financial portions of CC interms of ROI and TCO….instead of filling our own pocket, we should be more focused on diversification in-terms of Technology and Infrastructure and People with the right Knowledge…Believe me they are there, its just that CC has becoming a buzz word for all to make money overnight, which is totally wrong, Guys u need to change your perceptions and get more diversied instead of blaming our country….its people who makes the difference….Be straight and look within yourself where we lack…Believe me, you will see things more positively and may find a better vision to become BOB [Best-of-Best].