Arif Ashfaq!!! well done for your untimely comments. Who told you Pakistan is not a stable country. You need to come and live in this beautiful country to find out wether it is a stable country or not. You got to come and meet the most hospitable and loving people of Pakistan who have never labeled any country as stable or otherwise. Yes every call center owner is looking for clients, clients, clients (as you have put it) but what is wrong with looking for a client. This does not mean that there are no clients with Pakistani call centers. They have clients and they are looking for better clients. Call center is a business and every one has the right to look for client. It is just like opening a shop and making efforts to attract customers and I think there is nothing wrong with looking for clients. Anwer Kazi is an old name in this industry. His views are always very balanced. He criticizes the call center industry of Pakistan with a positive approach and always suggests ways and means to make amends and improvements. Where are your suggestions? From your posting I get an impression that in your view all the call centers should close the shop and leave. No way.