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Hard reset ws100

  • This topic has 27 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 19 years ago by Mir Khan.
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    Are they any engineer that work on or desgin the ws100 P4 ? I accidently messed up the bootpage. Now the ws100 is staying on CH3 LED (blinking). Are they anyway I can do a hard reset on it ? I know there is a serial port and JTag on ciruit board.



    Can you connect to the WS100 with the Webswitch manager application?


    I don’t think WS100 has complete the boot up process yet. Flash memory probably got bad data that cause the bootup failure.


    If anyone does know how to get a serial link to these boxes, I have the instructions on how to recover the boot pages and get the unit going again. It seems more of us are getting to know the ch3 problem.

    good luck guys!


    Since the circuit board has a connection which got “serial” label it, I soldered a 10 pins header soldered on it. I have tried to connect 10-pins to DB9 (PC) with different ombinations. No luck. I probably need to do more testing, may be it requires a null modem cable or something.. Does anyone know what’re the pin out ? Oh, I did test on a good WS100 P4. I am hoping WS100 will put messages to serial port during boot up. I setup 9600 8N1 none on PC side. Anyone has any suggestion ?


    I have worked with the QTelNet line of gatewaysa and they run the same VxWorks OS on them, to get to the “boot page” to be able to reset the unit back to the defaults, any key must be pressed within the first 2 seconds of bootup. This is why you can’t restore the unit by telnet as you can’t establish a link unitl after the ethernet is active. The QTelNet units however, have a built in serial port on them just for reasons like this!. Unfourtuneatly the pinout is different. I am still playing around with my box that is doing the same thing, and have had little luck. A null modem cable does get the unit to boot ” further ” ( the unit holds the Ch1 LED steady as opposed to the flashing Ch3 ) and does not respond though. Keep us posted with anything else you guys find!



    Gary, do you know how many pins is on the QTelNet serial connection ? I found there are 3 isolated grounds on WS100 (pin 3, 5, 7). Since 4 & 6 are in between, 4 & 6 are probably two data lines. I am think the WS100’s serial connection only needed 3 pins to talk with.


    Gary, Just wondering… Does your WS100 already has a serial connection on the back ? Because I though there are some WS100s do already have serial port on back.


    No it doesn’t but I am adding one internally by soldering the pins in and such. The QTelNet boxes I have do have an external RS232 port on them.


    The Webswitch 100 G4 version build in a mini-9 serial connector. Can someone who own G4 version give us a picture how the mini-9 serial is connected from circuit board (inside the ws100) ?



    I already posted on its own thread, but decided this might belong in line with this discussion.

    Since my WS100 has a mini-DIN connector on the case I decided to spend a frustrating evening trying to break out the signals. I started with an Apple Serial Cable, crossed 8 to 10 on my breakout box and *finally* got the boot-up screen. It does not seem to respond to keyboard input, so I am kind of stuck here.

    What I really want to do is reset to factory default and get a known IP that I can use the GUI config tool to get at. I already tried the * on Line 1, but it cannot (or will not) go off hook. I think it wants power since my model is a G4 P2 that should be FXO. Any ideas?


    WS100 serial connection:

    Pins 1,2,4 NC
    Pins 3,5,7 GND
    Pin 6 Reset (Act Low)
    Pin 8 Serial data in (TTL)
    Pin 9 +3.3v
    Pin 10 Serial data out (TTL)

    You’ll need to convert the TTL serial data to RS-232 levels (+/- insteead of 0/+3.3). I used an NPN transistor and base resistor for input from PC to WS and a PNP, 2 resistors and data out (for negative supply) from a 2nd serial port to get data from pin 10 to PC input. You could use the standard 1488,1489 if you have them. However, I still cannot get the unit to boot even after setting everything on “c” menu. I did do a “C” (capital) and cleared something, was this a bad thing to do??

    Dan (different one than previous posts)

    Fractal (Dan Gauthier)

    I finally determined after I got the boxes all working that since they weren’t going to be returned I’d go ahead and solder in a 10pin header for the serial port. This requires removing the circuit board from the box. I put in all 10 pins even though that makes it almost impossible to actually connect a header to the pins as the front panel LEDs are right against them. You should probably put down 6 pins instead (5-10) as it’ll be easier to work with. I changed my prototype external circuit to use the 3.3v in the header instead of an external supply, which worked very well. In the final circuit, I used an ECG211 transistor (Emitter to pin 9; base via 270ohm or higher to pin 10) as the output driver to the PC serial (PC data in to collector) – I didn’t need a negative supply on one laptop, but did with a 100ohm to data out of a 2nd serial port for other PCs, I suspect that 2 1.5v cells or a 3v watch battery would have provided this very well. (The data out of the same serial port is usable, but expect garbage to be received by the PC when typing.)

    For the data out from PC to the Ericsson box, I used an ECG210 transistor (Emitter to ground; base via 270ohn or higher to the PCs data out) with collector directly to pin 8 on the Ericsson header. There is no negative voltage here as the inputs and outputs of the Ericsson box are 3.3v TTL. I did not get a chance to check out the internal wiring or voltages of the G4 box (with a connector on the back) as I shipped it out before getting to it.

    Final parts rundown, 1 PNP, 1 NPN, 2 270ohm or higher resistors, plus an additional 100ohm for most usages. Use a PC with 2 serial ports and you’re in business. For production grade usage, you should have a reverse protection diode on the PC to Ericsson transistor’s base – I skipped that here 🙂



    I just crush my ws100 p4 last night, when I telneted and tried to use tShell command.I remembered I pressed CTRL+X,C,H,F,G,S,and so on.I found the ws100 reboot and stay flashing on CH3.I could ping its IP,but can not connect.

    I think I destroy the BOOT I wonder is it possible to upgrade the FLASH through serial port.


    I just got that control+X in tShell will cause trap after reboot.
    I think it could be reseted by rs232 console command.
    What I lost is that I have to order a RS232 to TTL converter which costed me 13 US$.
    Now I am waiting for the converter…

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