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  • This topic has 124 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years ago by Althaf.
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  • #33435

    thanks Ki. sig load is Link Load = ((MSU*6 + SIO/SIF Octets)*8) / ( 64000*3600)
    i fail to understand why (MSU*6 + SIO/SIF Octets). MSU is a complete message consisting of SIO-SIF amongst other flags???


    kindly let me know if there is any relation with BHCA and Erlang load. i want to plan for the links eddition by forcasting the BHCA and also the current erlang load with is almost 28.8%/link on IN platform

    T Ramakrishna

    How are you? Please tell me the formula for this.. Minutes calculation from traffic report.

    1 Erl is 1 Channel occupied for 60 minutes.

    The following is from the traffic report.
    72 Erl 185 Channels in one hour (60 minutes)
    How many minutes all the channels are occupied?

    I have the following

    Observation duration = 60 minutes
    Number of Circuits / Channels = 185
    Traffic in Erlang = 72.

    I want to find out how many minutes all the channels are occupied?

    Please tell me the formula.

    Best regards,



    The answer is:
    60[min]x72[Erl] = 4320 min

    N.B!You must also know that measured Erlangs cannot exceed the number of circuits.


    i wanna calculate Gos for TETRA system. Required Gos is 0.01 with the following parameters:
    1. Total available traffic Trunk channels 11
    2. Max. number of Tallk Groups 09
    3. Total users – 275,
    4. Max queuing time – 3sec
    plz share Erlang C calculation sheet

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