i have cells with which perform good HO in only one direction and high failure the opposite direction (Alcatel) which parameter can i change to improve HO in both directions?
I checked all of reason relating SD Congestion. So I cannot Find out it exactly. I think that It relates to BSC’s software or hardware. Could you give me the good way to correct it
I can only help to provide formula for SDCCHBlockRate=(100.0*ATSDCMBS_s1/NATTSDPE_s1)
where ATSDCMBS_s1|(1,8): Attempted SDCCH Seizures Meeting an SDCCH Blocked State, NATTSDPE_s1|(1,7): Number of Attempted SDCCH Seizures in a Period
SDCCH congestion could be as simply as low SDCCH dimensioning based on the number of radios you have on that sector…how is your SDCCH radio dimension done …also are those sectors having high SDCCH in BSC boarders or high traffic area?
Please review dimensining part first and increase # of SDCCH assignment as necessary..try it out increasing one or two additional..and monitor.There are location upate parameters also which may need to be looked at. Good luck !!