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Frequency Hopping System

  • This topic has 117 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years ago by Babar.
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  • #41282
    wilibrordus Herbowo

    SFH or BBH depend on number of site and number of TRXs,,, bigger TRXs and bigger sites, it is better using SFH.

    Why we use hopping because limitation of allocation freq.

    SFH;we can use 1×1, 1×3, or 1×3 enhance.

    have works.


    Thanks Wilibrordus Herbowo!
    If I may ask what do you mean by 1/3 enhence. I have already run the trial on 1/3 and 1/1. I had very good results with 1/3 than with 1/1 does any one know why? Because I did not expect that much difference as far as CDR, HO_DROP_RATE etc are concerned. the other thing I don’t think BBH is a good idea, in Siemens System if using BBH and one of the TRX involved in Hopping fails the system automatically diable Hopping(Frequency redefinition) until the affected TRX is brought back to service.

    Wilibrordus Herbowo


    SFH 1×3 Enhance is one of fitur of vendors, as I know Siemens can do SFH 1×3 Enhance.
    let say :
    sector 1 have A malist, sector 2 have B malis, and sector 3 have C malist, so for enhance, the MALIST become : A+B for sector 1, B+C for sector 2, and C+A for sector 3.

    If we have many frequencies, better we use non hopping system. or better goes to SFH directly.


    Jonny Giffly

    Dear Mr Wili,
    I think you do not hesitate share knowledge and your skill to your friends-Thanks for your kindness.


    Jonny G


    Thanks Mr Will.

    I never thought of doing it that way. it looks very good looking at it and it will serve apurpose of having more hopping frequencies. If I may ask again, what is you opinion about E/GPRS hopping. I tried it on non-BCCH carrier, but channel hopping remain 0, meaning i’m not hopping. i locked all BCCH TS’s to make sure that the system allocate non-BCCh TCH for that GPRS call.



    If i have 2 trx per sector with 5 frec for hopping TRX and reuse 1/1 can i use some feature for add 1 trx without increassing the number of frecs ??


    You can do that without increasing frequency since you already have 5 frequency and only two TRXs. The only problem that you gonna have is MAIO allocation with only 5 frequencies and using 1/1 you can have only one TRX hopping per sector(3 sector site) excluding BCCH. I would advice you to increase your hopping frequencies you will need about 10 frequencies for max 2 TRX/cell hopping.

    I hope this answers your question


    I have just joined the Network Engineering department and my new manager asked me to implement Frequency Hopping on our network. I want to know how can i implement this, what is the meaning of polarization in mw & what is TCH & BCCH & tch on trx.


    Diar All
    Why radio planner does not use the HSN 1 , is it because it hopping with predifined cyclic sequence not like the other 63 HSN which are hopp with pseudo random pattern.& which is better for good performance.because it confuse me.
    Please Replay……

    wilibrordus herbowo

    HSN 0 = cyclic,
    HSN 1-63 = PN

    HSN 0 never use (unless uses)


    thanks wili:
    further more i need more clarification on the usage of (cyclic HSN 0).
    is it right it used only for BBH (normal combiner), And other noncyclic pseudo HSNs are used for SH with hyprid or wide band combiner. OR itis depend on vendor algorithm spesification.
    And what did you mean by (never uses), because i think i saw usage of it in some network.

    Jonny Giffly

    Do anybody explain about SFH 2×2 and advantages?
    Thanks all for your attention.


    hi kaydee,

    It is better to go for Synthesizer ,
    if u can give the name of the vendor that u are using i can give u more help.


    Hi Thyagarajan!

    we are using Siemens……..

    Wilibrordus Herbowo

    For capacity and quality, better go to SFH.
    It can be SFH 1×1 or 1×3.
    IF the network is uniform pattern abd the terrain is flat, 1×3 is OK, if the pattern is not uniform, go with SFH 1×1.

    may be it can help u.

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