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CSR’S Trainers needed in Pakistan

  • This topic has 4 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years ago by Any Call center institute?????.
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  • #17591

    Can someone Please answer my question? I am just a layperson who has an opinion about the emergence of the call centre industry in Pakistan.
    An American/Canadian/European picks up his phone and he hears AN AGENT with “grammatically wrong spoken English laden with accent” and no proper training in customer service skills.
    What will he do?

    If it were me, I would hang up the phone!

    I think we might have the basic Infrastructure for setting up call centre’s in Pakistan. By basic I mean the bare minimum… WE Can make it! YES
    CALL CENTRE OWNERS WANT TO MAKE BIG BUCKS! Yes we all agree on that!
    It is my humble opinion that we need to teach the agents basic customer service skills, which is not really being done propperly.
    Its just a suggestion, did not mean to offend anyone.


    Just a few days back I was in the States, and picked up the phone to reserve a ticket on Delta Air. My call was attended by someone who had a very strong Asian accent and EXTREMELY poor grammar. I being from Asia myself asked where are you? And the guy replied “America”. I said don’t give me this rubbish, just tell me honestly are you in India? And he was like ummm, no, ummm.. And I asked, where in India. Delhi? And he replied, nahin Hyderabad.

    Sitwat, my point being Indians do not speak better english than Pakistanis. Infact if we compare the call center Industry, since it is new in Pakistan, there are better, more educated people in Pakistan who are CSRs as compared to India, where the quality is extremely poor. I suggest strongly you apply your suggestions to India first before worrying about Pakistan. Trust me, people here know the problems and are working on them.

    Thank you for your suggestions though.


    What was your name by the way? Mine is Sitwat? Is your name Sitwat as well!!!
    I was surprised to see my name posted twice, as I had not picked up the phone to book a ticket thru Delta recently. I was busy flying Cathay Pacific to and from Bangkok to Karachi. Anyways let’s get to the point!
    It’s good to know that People here meaning KHI, LHR and in ISL are working on it! And why shouldn’t they? I mean CC Industry is a money making business; generating revenue not only for the CC Owners/Pioneers but also for the general masses. It’s great for our Nation as well.
    You said and I quote “I suggest strongly you apply your suggestions to India first before worrying about Pakistan.” Why should I target Indians when I am myself a Pakistani? My intentions were pure they were not written with malicious intentions or for the purpose of offending anyone. I want to see the Pakistani Call Centre Industry to flourish and trive and emerge as one of the best in the world. Long Shot! But why not Dream BIG!
    If I did offend your sensibilities pls accept my sincere apologies. I just said that we needed good or even better trainers/call centre trainers. It was a mere suggestion. I know that our accents r better than Indians. Why should we even want to compete with them? There is no comparison, as they have been dominating the CC Industry way before we took our first baby steps.
    It was a mere suggestion, my humble opinion that we needed trainers.
    The People with good accent and great English Literacy skills r like a needle in the haystack. The 2% give or take a few more do not want to be call centre agents as they probably get more “Pocket Money” and a new “Honda city” from their DAD! The masses in Pakistan do not have Basic English literacy skills and are sometimes even unaware of what even a call centre is! Thus my point is we need a few GREAT Call Centre Trainers, and a few more Call centre Training Institutes.
    Thanks for replying to an opinion of a lay person who hasn’t taken the plunge in Pakistan’s Call Centre Training YET!


    Great!! Please keep it up. You are absolutely right in saying that Pakistan needs good Trainers. The educated youth of Pakistan needs to be guided and made to realize the importance this emerging service industry. The sooner the better because we are already far behind. Indians by the virtue of dedication and sincerity towards their country have already assumed the status of a call center giant. There is no comparison or competition between the two. I think Pakistanis have to work very hard with great determination to make a place in the world BPO map.

    Any Call center institute?????

    Hi everyone, can anyone tell me, Is there any proper CALL CENTER TRAINING INSTITUE IN PAKISTAN???
    where anyone can go and take trainng to work for a call center??

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