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ip address on axt2400

  • This topic has 5 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 19 years ago by MikeM to Tony.
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  • #30706

    i configure my quitum axt2400 with the ip address, mask and gateway but i doesn´t sweam to appear on the web, like no ip was assainged, i tied with 2 diferente equipments with the same results, any idea what might be happening

    MikeM to Tony


    did you remember to submit the changes or did you do this from boot menu?


    i trieded it both ways, from boot menu and from promththe sistems confirms the ip, mask and gate way, but its not visible, ( i cannot ping the ip) i use the same ip on a laptop or desk top and it works great and can be pinged, dont noe what can be the problem?

    MikeM to Tony

    Do you have a hub that you can connect it to with just a PC and use a private IP address for the tenor and PC?

    Also, you can try connecting the PC directly to the tenor’s LAN port if you use a ethernet crossover cable.

    Tony to mike

    i was scared that there were a problem with the AXT2400, so i toke it to a friends oficce and appliaded an extra ip he had from a diferente ISP, and it worked, problem is i can`t get my current ISP to fix the problem since they say that there is no problem since the ip address works with a PC it should work with the Quintum. What Next?

    MikeM to Tony


    Some questions for you. What type of Internet are you connecting to? Is it DSL or something else?

    How are you connecting tenor to the internet, through hub, modem, etc?

    You can contact me at for further help on this.

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