- This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 19 years ago by
Wilson To Wilson (Not a typo).
10th February 2006 at 19:34 #30699
GuestI’m having ONE WAY audio on my DX2060.
I can hear them but they cannot hear me.
our setting is:
codec: G.729A 20msCAN ANYBODY HELP ME.
ch |01/01| 2006/02/11|03:26:07:000 |PRI(2,0,2,0×6): received SETUP_IND fro
m L3.
PriTG::allocBCh: reqLine=1 reqChan=0.
channel allocated: slot=2 device=0 lin
e=2 chan=1.
procIncomingSetup: [0] lineNum=0x1,chN
um=0x0 preferred=0x1 line=0x1 chan=0x0
ch |01/01| 2006/02/11|03:26:07:005 |CallInfo [20]: origCalled.digit(141696
05200) callingparty ()
PRI(2,0,2,0×6): sending CALL_PROCEEDIN
G_REQ to L3.
Routing requested for: public(0) orig=
14169605200 public(1) normalized=14169605200 route code= tg=0.
1 match(es) found: 4
RouteReq:[20]:OrigTG SGType:4 TermTG P
OrigBcsm[20]:setting SIPSGIndex to:0 T
bandwidth info: max=-1 cur=12600.
Route response [6]: result=1 cause=0.
TBCSM[20]: Setup from peer=0x962ca4e8
NP=0x1 NT=0x1.
OrigNum=14169605200 NormNum=1416960520
0 TranNum=14169605200 OrigDest=.
ch |01/01| 2006/02/11|03:26:07:015 |h323[20]: tcall:stackSendSetup, media
h323[0]: h323mgr:newCall
ch |01/01| 2006/02/11|03:26:07:315 |[20/0]: Trying Route to xx.xxx.x.200tcall[20]: FaxRelay:1 FaxModemCoding:0
RXGain: 3 TXGain 4 IdleNoiseLevel -7000 QOSType:0 QOSValue 176
tcall[20]:DoOutboundSetup() iprgIndex=
7 numOutCalls=1/-1 maxTalkTime=0 digitRelay=0.
h323[20] [0]: tcall:doTranslation inc=
0 iprgIndex=7.
ch |01/01| 2006/02/11|03:26:07:925 |h323[20]: tcall:RcvCallProc
ch |01/01| 2006/02/11|03:26:09:165 |h323[20] [0]: tcall:RcvAlert
ch |01/01| 2006/02/11|03:26:09:170 |calling->called media type=68(16).
called->calling media type=68(16).
Setting remote rtp port=xx.xxx.x.201:2
2398. ps=0.
Connector::setCodec() codec=68 ss=0 vs
=160 detectDtmf=0.
Connector::setCodec() faxRelay=1 rxGai
n=3 txGain=4 idleNoiseLevel=-7000.
FDX DSP allocated : codec=68 law=0 dig
it=0 ss=0 vs=160 ip=xx.xxx.x.201 fr=1 rxgain=3,txGain=4,idleL=-7000.
tsi connect: 1015 005 11
PRI(2,0,2,0×6): sending ALERTING_REQ t
o L3.
CallInfo[20]: sendRoutedEvent.ch |01/01| 2006/02/11|03:26:16:770 |h323[20] [0]: tcall:RcvConnect
OBCSM[20]: Received peerRcvConnect.
CallInfo [20]: sendConnected Event. le
PRI(2,0,2,0×6): sending CONNECT_REQ to
ch |01/01| 2006/02/11|03:26:44:880 |h323[20] [0]: tcall:RcvRelComp, cause=
16 reason=0.
CallInfo[20]: disconnected event. caus
e=16 legno=1 leg=1.tsi disconnect: 1015 005 11
OBCSM[20]: Release from peer=0x962cb4f
8 cause=0x10 redir=.
TBCSM [20]: Release complete from peer
OBCSM[20]: pRouteInfo 96591cf8 state 8
ivrType 0 h323RetCode -1 cause 10.
CallInfo[20]: disconnected event. caus
e=16 legno=0 leg=1.ch |01/01| 2006/02/11|03:26:44:885 |CallInfo[20]: send eventDisconnected 2
PRI(2,0,2,0×6): sending DISC_REQ to L3
ch |01/01| 2006/02/11|03:26:44:910 |PRI(2,0,2,0×6): received CLEAR_CONF fr
om L3.10th February 2006 at 20:30 #30700MikeM
Unfortunately, this type of log will really not show anything to the problem. I have found that in 90% of the cases where there is one-way audio, the problem turns out to be a firewall somewhere, on one end or the other that is either blocking voice ports or is not translating from public to private correctly. Or, the ISP is blocking VoIP.
I do not think I have seen more that 2 or 3 cases where the tenor was a problem on this since there is no setting to have only voice in one direction.
Check your network out, check any firewalls and NATs that is most likely where you will find the problem.
10th February 2006 at 23:14 #30701Wilson To Wilson (Not a typo)
GuestWilson, I could give you a hand with your one way trouble on the DX2060.
You could contact me at wboyrie@yahoo.com
Wilson Boyrie.
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