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Quintum Tenor DX2060 – IP Dial Plan Prob

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  • #28685
    RIcardo Martinez

    I have a Quintum Tenor DX2060 with one E1 PEI connected. This E1 has assigned 100 numbers. What i want to do is make some digit manipulation with this incoming numbers and then send it to IP side.
    For example someone is calling to 5900 in my E1, so the Quintum receives the call and translate the number to : 4447001000. (Strip the first two digist and then adds a prefix). For what i see in my Gatekeeper is that the Quintum is sending and Admission Request message (ARQ) with dialed digit 5901, so theres is no any translation for the number… I’m stuck with this operation… Can someone giveme some guidelines on how to do this?
    Thanks in advance.


    Noname to Ricardo

    Ricardo, I tried a simila configuration, the only thing that I found on the Quintum was sending every single call that comes into the Quintum and “forced routing” to a single phone number on the other end (VOIP).
    But I was not able to do any digit conversion/manipulation in a per DID basis.
    After that, I moved those services to a basic Cisco gateway, and you get all kind of dial peers.
    You could setup a number per each DID extension, and then send those calls to any number of VOIP destinations.
    As a joke, I did setup a dial peer that if anyone did dial a number that contained my social security number on it, the call will ring my cell phone.
    That will give you an idea of how flexible could be with Cisco.


    Ricardo, it is possible by using var_config.cfg file on your DX. Go to Quintum support web site for more help on how to set it up. Otherwise contact support.


    Thank for your support and help. I will go to the Quintum Support center… thanks again!

    Best regards,


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