hi everyone…
need your insight, opinion and help..
i’m using a Quintum 800 and my Gateway is a Cisco 3640.. my client uses a Cisco AS5300 to send us traffic.. now my problem is that i’m having alot of DROP CALLS and so my ASR is very low plus since we’re using prepaid GSMs we’re being charged for some drop calls… so its doing not very good…
my client’s AS5300 uses G723r63 codec so i’ve set my Quintums at 81 (G.723.1 @ 6.3kbps.)… my CASSIGNALING is set at 5 (Loop Start Reverse Battery ) SUPERVISION: 3 (Both Answer and Disconnect)…
what do you think ’causes the DROP CALLS???… need your say ASAP please… thanks….
You should review the documents Quintum has about disconnect supervision and answer supervision. You cannot have the cassig set to 5 and supervision set to 3. This is not correct. First, for the reverse battery does your GSM device provide reverse battery to the Quintum? Based on your description, I am betting not. Set the cassig to 1 and re-test.