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Radius Server

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  • #27277

    Hi there!

    Does anyone have any idea where I can get a free copy of a Radius Server?


    Andrew Zhilenko

    Thanks Andrew!!!

    I got the WinRadius on the installed it, but I am unable process calls. When I place a call, the quintum prompts asking for Account Number and PIN and after I enter them the system rejects. I have tried using SQL and Access databases. Who can help me? Thanks J

    Here are the logs from Quintum and Radius Server.

    Quintum log display:
    Quintum:salvador> q
    Press to return to Command mode

    CH :122660862:[1: 1] received message from cas: Setup
    CH :122660862:CallInfo[0xd0f828]: origCalled.digit()
    CH :122660862:[1: 1] sent message to cas: Setup-Ack
    CH :122660862:tsi connect: 101 210 01
    CH :122660862:TsiConnXlate: 1:1, 2:10
    CH :122660962:[1: 1] sent message to cas: Call-Proc
    CH :122660962:tsi disconnect: 101 210 01
    CH :122660962:TsiDiscXlate: 1:1, 2:10
    CH :122660962:Routing requested for: public(1) orig=1 public(0) normalized=.
    CH :122660962:1 match(es) found: 0
    CH :122660962:Route response(312): result=1 cause=0.
    CH :122660962:TermIVRradius(0xd0e004): peerRcvSetup
    CH :122660962:[1: 1] sent message to cas: Alert
    CH :122660962:[1: 1] received message from cas: InbandSigDone
    CH :122660982:IVR(0xd0e004): ProcessTimerExpiration. State=0
    CH :122660982:OBCSM[312]: Received peerRcvConnect.
    CH :122660982:[1: 1] sent message to cas: Connect
    CH :122660982:tsi connect: 200 101 01
    CH :122660982:TsiConnXlate: 2:0, 1:1
    CH :122660982:tsi connect: 200 101 10
    CH :122660982:TsiConnXlate: 1:1, 2:0
    CH :122661375:h323mgr:GateKeeper Found
    RADIUS :122661567:RadiusRequest: Created request object 0XBB9204
    CH :122661567:IVR(0xd0e004): create CAuthentication(bb9204).
    CH :122661899:IVR(0xd0e004): pAuthentication->Send().
    RADIUS :122661899:Adding Attribute 4 6 3372145509
    RADIUS :122661899:Adding Attribute 1 8 123456
    RADIUS :122661899:Adding Attribute 2 18 encrypted
    RADIUS :122661899:Adding Attribute 61 6 0
    RADIUS :122661899:Adding Attribute 31 9 9991212
    RADIUS :122661899:Adding Attribute 26 56 24 50 h323-conf-id=34306337 32616634 30
    RADIUS :122661899:Adding Attribute 26 33 1 27 h323-ivr-out=ACCESSCODE:1
    RADIUS :122661899:Packet Length = 156
    RADIUS :122661899:RadiusRequest: Sending Access-Request MsgId=16 to
    RADIUS :122661899:RadiusResponse: Received response, length=46, id=16, type=3
    RADIUS :122661899:RadiusSocket: Received ACCESS REJECT RESPONSE
    RADIUS :122661899:RadiusResponse: Created response object 0XB06424
    RADIUS :122661900:AccessReject: Return Code = 1
    RADIUS :122661900:RadiusSocket: Sent ProcessAccessReject iucaCallBackSend
    RADIUS :122661900:RadiusHandler: Received iucaCallBackSend Access-Reject
    CH :122661900:TermIVRradius(0xd0e004): Received OnAccessReject by the reaso.

    CH :122661900:TermIVRradius(0xd0e004): pAuthentication->Delete(bb9204).
    RADIUS :122661900:RadiusRequest: Client Process Marked Object=0XBB9204 MsgId=16n
    RADIUS :122661900:RadiusRequest: Radius Process Deleted Object=0XBB9204, MsgId=6
    RADIUS :122661900:RadiusRequest: destroying request object 0XBB9204
    RADIUS :122661900:RadiusResponse: destroying response object 0XB06424
    CH :122662246:[1: 1] received message from cas: RelComp
    CH :122662246:CallInfo[0xd0f828]: cdr callid(138) rmtcallid(0) calltype(1) .
    CH :122662246:CallInfo[0xd0f828]: cdr dest(1111*) orig(9991212) remote() pi.
    CH :122662246:CallInfo[0xd0f828]: cdr icline(0) icport(0) otline(ff) otport.
    CH :122662246:CdrManager::addCdr: 336 Return.
    RADIUS :122662246:RadiusRequest: Created request object 0XD0D804
    CH :122662246:CdrManager(0x673e40): account =123456.
    CH :122662246:CdrManager[0x673e40]: cause =16.
    RADIUS :122662246:STOP ACCOUNTING REQUEST msg Id= 17
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 4 6 3372145509
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 26 15 2 9 0 0/1/1
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 61 6 0
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 1 8 123456
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 30 3 1
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 31 9 9991212
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 40 6 2
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 41 6 0
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 42 6 0
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 43 6 0
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 44 18 007F63DE00000138
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 46 6 13
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 47 6 0
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 48 6 0
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 6 6 0
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 26 56 24 48 h323-conf-id=34306337 32616634 30
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 26 65 1 59 h323-incoming-conf-id=34306337 320
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 26 26 33 20 h323-gw-id=quintum
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 26 31 26 25 h323-call-origin=answer
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 26 32 27 26 h323-call-type=Telephony
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 26 55 25 49 h323-setup-time=15:21:24.410 UTC4
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 26 57 28 51 h323-connect-time=15:21:25.610 U4
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 26 60 29 54 h323-disconnect-time=15:21:38.254
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 26 32 30 26 h323-disconnect-cause=10
    RADIUS :122662246:Adding Attribute 26 28 31 22 h323-voice-quality=0
    RADIUS :122662246:Packet Length = 575
    RADIUS :122662246:RadiusRequest: Sending Accounting-Request MsgId=17 to xxx..xxx3
    CH :122662246:CdrManager[0x673e40]: send stopAccount.
    CH :122662246:CallInfo[0xd0f828]: sendDisconnected Event.
    CH :122662246:tsi disconnect: 101 200 01
    CH :122662246:TsiDiscXlate: 1:1, 2:0
    CH :122662246:tsi disconnect: 101 200 10
    CH :122662246:TsiDiscXlate: 2:0, 1:1
    CH :122662246:OBCSM[312]: Release complete from peer=0xd0e004.
    RADIUS :122662257:RadiusResponse: Received response, length=20, id=17, type=5
    RADIUS :122662257:RadiusSocket: Received ACCOUNTING RESPONSE
    RADIUS :122662257:RadiusResponse: Created response object 0XB06424
    CH :122662257:CdrManager::deleteCdr 336 entry.
    RADIUS :122662257:RadiusRequest: destroying request object 0XD0D804
    RADIUS :122662257:RadiusResponse: destroying response object 0XB06424

    Radius Server Log Display:

    1 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s ————————————————
    2 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s Message Type=Access_Request
    3 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s ID=16, Length=156
    4 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s NAS IP address=3372145509
    5 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s User name=123456
    6 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s Password ciphed text=6¢þ_óðq_ÙÅkU)¼Ü
    7 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s Password deciphed text=
    8 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s NAS port type=0
    9 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s Calling number=9991212
    10 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s Vendor specific…=
    11 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s h323_conf_id : h323-conf-id=34306337 32616634 3962002E 31303100
    12 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s Vendor specific…=
    13 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s h323_incoming_conf_id : h323-ivr-out=ACCESSCODE:1
    14 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s Reason: Unknown username
    15 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s User (9991212) authenticate failed.
    16 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s ————————————————
    17 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Message Type=Accounting_Request
    18 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s ID=17, Length=575
    19 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s NAS IP address=3372145509
    20 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Vendor specific…=
    21 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Cisco_NAS_port : 0 0/1/1
    22 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s NAS port type=0
    23 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s User name=123456
    24 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Called number=1
    25 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Calling number=9991212
    26 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Session status=2
    27 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Session delay time=0
    28 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Session input octets=0
    29 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Session output octets=0
    30 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Session ID=007F63DE00000138
    31 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Session duration time=13
    32 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Acct Input Packets=0
    33 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Acct Output Packets=0
    34 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Service type=0
    35 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Vendor specific…=
    36 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s h323_conf_id : h323-conf-id=34306337 32616634 3962002E 31303100
    37 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Vendor specific…=
    38 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s h323_incoming_conf_id : h323-incoming-conf-id=34306337 32616634 3962002E 31303100
    39 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Vendor specific…=
    40 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s h323_gateway_id : h323-gw-id=quintum
    41 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Vendor specific…=
    42 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s h323_call_origin : h323-call-origin=answer
    43 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Vendor specific…=
    44 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s h323_call_type : h323-call-type=Telephony
    45 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Vendor specific…=
    46 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s h323_setup_time : h323-setup-time=15:21:24.410 UTC Wed Jun 9 2004
    47 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Vendor specific…=
    48 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s h323_connect_time : h323-connect-time=15:21:25.610 UTC Wed Jun 9 2004
    49 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Vendor specific…=
    50 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s h323_disconnect_time : h323-disconnect-time=15:21:38.250 UTC Wed Jun 9 2004
    51 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Vendor specific…=
    52 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s h323_disconnect_cause : h323-disconnect-cause=10
    53 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s Vendor specific…=
    54 2004y6m9d 15h23m23s h323_voice_quality : h323-voice-quality=0

    Andrew Zhilenko

    Read the logs:

    RADIUS :122661899:RadiusSocket: Received ACCESS REJECT RESPONSE

    14 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s Reason: Unknown username
    15 2004y6m9d 15h23m19s User (9991212) authenticate failed.

    The username (PIN) you are trying to authenticate does not exist


    Thx Zhilenko!


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