Your question actually come from basic network planning which is number of subsribers?? how many subsriber you need the platform to handle. OK.. but roughly one subscriber in one ts. In one E1 we have 32 ts (0-31). 2 ts are not used. then 30 ts are available for traffic. and 30 subscriber in can handle at one time.. assume in BH. One user 1 Erlang. 1 Erl * 30 user= 30 erlang*30 days= 900erlang .. . This is estimation calculation for your genearal question…
basically I need to know the number of minutes that you could realistically push through an E1.. I have people that need 10 E1 capacity, and I have 1 E1. So I need to know what to expect for my monthly traffic volume.
If your carrier has retail traffic you will be able to do almost double the amount of minutes that a wholesale customer can. It is my experience that and the high end wholesale does about 250K per month over one T1 where retail can do almost 400K. One T1 is only 24 usable channels and an E1 is 30 so you can do the math if you wish.
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