Home » Topics » Voice over IP » Quintum a400 error cause 38
voipcy Guest
i need some help!
i send the call to Quintum a400.
and i see that the calls hits GW. but i get cause 38.
cause 38 is “network out of order”
everything seems ok.
Can some suggest some thing. if something has to be change please give me commands too coz i m new on quintums.
Noname Guest
Unit: 1
IP Address =
External IP Address =
Online = 1 Check to see if you have a “1” here.
Relay ResetTime = 240
Relay Reset Number = 2
Seems like you did a factory default and did not put the unit back in service.
Good luck!!!!!!
voipcy Guest
Thanks NOname.
you were right, i loaded the factory defaults and then it was offline.
i m facing strange problem
i gave this command to monitor
quintum: ev +ch
Quinutm : q {enter)
i get following
Press to return to Command mode
EXCP : 0:**** SYSTEM RESET! RESTARTING (0x80000000, IP=0x3ddbfbf4) ****
EXCP : 106:Idle Reference Count = 153187
EXCP : 134:Started CDR manager. Initializing CDR data, session number = 0
EXCP : 524548:HttpD: E_RECV error (0x5023)
EXCP : 524548:HttpD: Source addr=
EXCP : 3084025:ERROR in WsGetFileNameUri Buffer=http://www.sina.com.cn/
EXCP : 3162613:ERROR in WsGetFileNameUri Buffer=http://www.sina.com.cn/
EXCP : 3177605:ERROR in WsGetFileNameUri Buffer=http://www.sina.com.cn/
and i have huge packet loss.
and the IP address u see is no where configured. can u help me to slove this
Noname Guest
That is a extrange one for sure.
I heard trough some postings that there is way to make your Quintum gateway “crash” by sending a storm of packets to your port 1720.
It looks like that address on the internet may be “beaconing” your I.P. address.
Make the following test: Change your I.P. adress on the Quintum and see if it stays Up or not.
Or reject that I.p. address on the router, such a way that the packets will not reach the gateway.
If the Quintum stays up without alarms on a diferent I.P, looks like some is sending a lot of trash to your I.P.
Teodor Georgiev Guest
Someone is flooding you.
He tries to use the internal web server as a proxy.
Do that:
disablegui 1
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