I would like to know the details of T1/E1, How it works, what are the hardware and software modules requires to provide T1/E1 interface to the access router.
thank you for your early reply.
hi srini T1/E1 is the same Whare
T1 consists of 24 time slots whare as E1 cosists of 32 time slots .
it will be used to combine all
voice channel data all data is
multiplexed send to other end .E1
are converted the data to laser .
it require hardware, multiplexer ,microcontrolers.each
time slot consists of 64kbps if
multiplying with 32 will u get
2.048 mb E1 consists of the same data.
Are you building an access device or want to use an access device? And what is the application.
T1/E1 channels/time slots can be configured differently for different purposes.
Unstructured or unchannelised T1/E1 have no time slots and the full bit rate is dedicated for data transmission. this is the typical use for serial links between routers.
Structured or channelised T1/E1 have channels/time slots 24 for T1 and 32 for E1. But dependent on the application certain time slots can be reserved for signalling and worse certain bits can be reserved for signalling.
Can you be more specific with what you are trying to achieve?
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