- This topic has 25 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 13 years, 2 months ago by
21st June 2009 at 11:56 #57549
ok than plz help to sort out some doubts on edge,gprs….
for tbf success ratio and dl multislot assignment what other parameter tunnig we can do?
actuaaly i have one basic confusion …if i have two pdch timeslot then at a time within that two timeslot max. how many user can share?
according to my knowledge 8 users can share one pdch..
is it right then whts the meaning that one ms require 4 timeslot? is its like this then atleast i should have 4 pdch timeslot?
and by tunnig t200 the cells which have sd completion near to below threshold(kpi) are improved
22nd June 2009 at 08:00 #57550Pan
GuestHi, krish!
In one PDCH you can accomodate up to 7 MS in UL, up to 16 MS in DL (16 MS in total).
All resources to ms are allocated by network (depending on resources availability (and acessibility) and subscriber’s QoS).
If after T200 tuning, your network performance will increase hence your T200 had wrong settings initially.22nd June 2009 at 18:07 #57551krish
ok but still one doubt can u telll then what does mean by whts the meaning that one ms require 4 timeslot? is its like this then atleast i should have 4 pdch timeslot
23rd June 2009 at 08:15 #57552Pan
GuestDear, krish! an MS can’t require 4 TS, it can only require peak and garanteed throughput. And only network can assign 1or2or3or4 TSs to MS depending on negotiated subscriber’s QoS and resources availability.
23rd June 2009 at 17:35 #57553krish
GuestHi pan,
then why are differntiate the that class 30-33 support 6 multislot class 1 support 4 that i want to clear buddy?
andu said that an MS can’t require 4 TS, it can only require peak and garanteed throughput. And only network can assign 1or2or3or4 TSs to MS depending on negotiated subscriber’s QoS and resources availability. but if i have two edge timelsot(2 pdch) and there are 8 users and i have same 2 pdch and 4 users then how they will get timeslot?
in 1 pdch if there will be max 8 users then if i have 2 pdch and all users are 4 timeslot capable then what will be the distribution?
23rd June 2009 at 18:09 #57554pix
Guestit depends on how the vendor decide to perform the resource allocation. It is not defined (afaik) in the 3GPP.
So for example:
4 MS onto 2 PDCH.
Why only 2 PDCH ? Let’s assume it is because the other timeslots are already busy with TCH.Possible implementation:
each MS has 2 PDCH only (even though they have MS capability to support 4 PDCHs), because they can’t have more : the BSS will allocate only 2PDCH to each of them.Now, of course, those 2 PDCH are the same for each MS. So each PDCH provides a possible link for 4 different MS. There are 4 MS multiplexed onto each PDCH.
Since not all MS are receiving data at the same time, one MS could have 100% max throughput over 2 PDCH during few seconds…
24th June 2009 at 17:15 #57555krish
u mentioned that 4 ms can share
2 pdch even they (support 4 pdch asp er mobile class) but tell me if in 1 pdch max. 8 users can share then within 2 pdch all 4 ms users will get 4 timeslot at a same time? is it right?24th June 2009 at 21:49 #57556Pix
Guest1 PDCH = 1 timeslot
if 4 users share one PDCH, it means each of them is having one quarter of the timeslot (in average)
25th June 2009 at 17:42 #57557krish
buddy still not getting because whats then meaning of 4 multislot supporte mobile if 1 pdch share by 4 users?
25th June 2009 at 20:23 #57558pix
Guestone MS can get 4 consecutive timeslots (CAN ! not MUST !)
… and one timeslot can multiplex several users.
I don’t see where is the problem.
I’d like to draw it to you, but I can’t.14th December 2011 at 10:32 #57559Ds
GuestHi Pan,
as per my knowledge, 1 PDCH can have max 7 users in UL & 9 users in DL i.e. 16 users in total 1 PDCH can have.
please correct if i m wrong. -
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