I am a new here. I have a problem:
– I have to find the size of the transmitter antenna. I know:
– frequency used: f
– the satellite’s orbit d
– the covered area size within the 3dB of transmitted power
how to find the size and the gain of the antenna?? I did not find any patterns on the Internet 🙁
Dear Luke,
I am assuming you are talking about parabolic antenna. Well the first thing u need to know is the required gain, which you may calculate from the link budget. Once u have that, u can use the formula
Gain=20log (7.4 D f )
Where D is ant dia in mtrs
f is freq in GHz.
Does that solve ur purpose ??
I know this formula. the problem is to find the Gain.
As far as I know the link budget is:
Pr = Pt+Gt-Lfs-Lm+Gr
Pr, Pt – power of the receiver and transmitter (how to know them??)
Gr, Gt – gains
Lfs – free space loss
Lm – other losses (which one? how to find them?)
and I still do not know how in this problem I should use the size of the covered area (within the 3dB of transmitted power)
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