Hi BoonYoo.
From my little document, I found some info on this & I think it may useful to continue on this topic
The immediate assignment on TCH is a good way to use the resources more efficiently.
We have two kinds.
1) TCH first (assign signaling on TCH regardless of SDCCH congested or not). & it is not recommended strategy.
2) Other strategy is SDCCH first, which mean when all SDCCH are occupied, the coming call setup will be accomplished on TCH instead, to get a minimum trunking loss. So there is a balance between signaling load added on TCH & the extra capacity can be added on TCH by reducing TS reserved for SDCCH,
Also there is a different recommended value for SDCCH dimensioning when using direct assignment on TCH.
Which equipment RU using? We using Siemens and the second option is not available on Siemens System. why is is not recomended to use the first option? To share some light on Siemens System there are only two options:
1) use TCH for signalling only for MOC.
2)use TCH for signalling for both MOC and MTC.
During the test I discovered if I choose the second option,the System uses TCH for all the signalling incuding SMS, LU, IMSI att etc leaving the SDCCH doing nothing.
Let’s discuss this topic guys, I’m thinking of using the first option…….
in ower network the immediate assignment is performed only with Call setup. so the other signaling task like attach/detach, LAU,SMS,periodic registration are performed on already configured SDCCH.
so to more avoid the congestion in all channels we use adaptive configuration for SDCCH.