Home » Topics » Telecom Design » CDMA & GSM interference
Nitin Guest
Now that we know that CDMA downlink & GSM uplink can interfere if the GSM & CDMA sites are collocated.
The question arises “Is there any possibility of crosstalk b/w GSM & CDMA due to this interference” as I have faced this in the network I am working on.We have already deployed filters in our network.
Diwaker Guest
Check HO and PC parameters in ur NE.
Nitin Guest
Thanks for your reply Mr. Diwakar
May I please no which HO parameters do i need to put a check on?? Also, we have not enabled Power control in our network.
Diwaker Guest
Which system you are looking forward(GSM/CDMA).
Generally this problem can be fix by CDMA system , check deviations/ accuracy test of your cell if BTS is CDMA.
Nitin Guest
Could anybody please put a note on
Difference b/w Synthesized and baseband hopping . ??
Nitin Guest
Well ,thanks for your prompt reply
I am working on GSM network… Any soultions are welcome
Nitin Guest
Hi Mr. Diwakar.
Do u know Arpit Mehrotra ?
seeems that u hv worked with Reliance CDMA………
rohit up Guest
Saikat Guest
Hi Mr. Nitin,
Hi Mr. Diwaker,
Can you pls elaborate the details about this type of Interference.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Best regards
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