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How to get into OTP

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  • #39863

    Hi all,
    i’m developing a CATI system,for which i use erlang to communicate with the dialogic board.I have designed my supervision tree but i doesn’t get a clear idea about how to insert OTP principles like gen_server,gen_fsm,supervisor and othersin my design.So i need help from the experienced guys on how to implement OTP designs in my work

    Thanx in advance,


    i am also interested in OTP
    if u get the result please convey me also


    there are lots of thing about it, maybeyou can consult some sweden company about it!

    here I can show you some things that may be helpful!

    gen server
    Erlang Module
    A behaviour module for implementing the server of a client-server relation. A generic
    server process (gen server) implemented using this module will have a standard set of
    interface functions and include functionality for tracing and error reporting. It will also
    fit into an OTP supervision tree. Refer to OTP Design Principles for more information.
    A gen server assumes all specific parts to be located in a callback module exporting a
    pre-defined set of functions. The relationship between the behaviour functions and the
    callback functions can be illustrated as follows:
    gen server module /Callback module
    —————– —————
    gen server:start —–> Module:init/1
    gen server:call
    gen server:multi call —–> Module:handle call/3
    gen server:cast
    gen server:abcast —–> Module:handle cast/2
    – —–> Module:handle info/2
    – —–> Module:terminate/2
    – —–> Module:code change/3
    If a callback function fails or returns a bad value, the gen server will terminate.
    The sys module can be used for debugging a gen server.
    Note that a gen server does not trap exit signals automatically, this must be explicitly
    initiated in the callback module.
    Unless otherwise stated, all functions in this module fail if the specified gen server does
    not exist or if bad arguments are given.
    start(Module, Args, Options) -> Result
    start(ServerName, Module, Args, Options) -> Result
    start link(Module, Args, Options) -> Result
    start link(ServerName, Module, Args, Options) -> Result
    _ ServerName = flocal,Nameg | fglobal,Nameg

    _ Name = atom()
    _ Module = atom()
    _ Args = term()
    _ Options = [Option]
    _ Option = fdebug,Dbgsg | ftimeout,Timeg | fspawn opt,SOptsg
    _ Dbgs = [Dbg]
    _ Dbg = trace | log | statistics | flog to file,FileNameg | finstall,fFunc,FuncStategg
    _ SOpts = [term()]
    _ Result = fok,Pidg | ignore | ferror,Errorg
    _ Pid = pid()
    _ Error = falready started,Pidg | term()
    Creates a gen server process which calls Module:init/1 to initialize. To ensure a
    synchronized start-up procedure, this function does not return until Module:init/1 has
    A gen server started using start link is linked to the calling process, this function
    must be used if the gen server is included in a supervision tree. A gen server started
    using start is not linked to the calling process.
    If ServerName=flocal,Nameg the gen server is registered locally as Name using
    register/2. If ServerName=fglobal,Nameg the gen server is registered globally as
    Name using global:register name/2. If no name is provided, the gen server is not
    Module is the name of the callback module.
    Args is an arbitrary term which is passed as the argument to Module:init/1.
    If the option ftimeout,Timeg is present, the gen server is allowed to spend Time
    milliseconds initializing or it will be terminated and the start function will return
    If the option fdebug,Dbgsg is present, the corresponding sys function will be called for
    each item in Dbgs. Refer to sys(3) for more information.
    If the option fspawn opt,SOptsg is present, SOpts will be passed as option list to the
    spawn opt BIF which is used to spawn the gen server. Refer to erlang(3) for
    information about the spawn opt options.
    If the gen server is successfully created and initialized the function returns fok,Pidg,
    where Pid is the pid of the gen server. If there already exists a process with the
    specified ServerName the function returns ferror,falready started,Pidgg, where
    Pid is the pid of that process.
    If Module:init/1 fails with Reason, the function returns ferror,Reasong. If
    Module:init/1 returns fstop,Reasong or ignore, the process is terminated and the
    function returns ferror,Reasong or ignore, respectively.
    call(ServerRef, Request) -> Reply
    call(ServerRef, Request, Timeout) -> Reply
    _ ServerRef = Name | fName,Nodeg | fglobal,Nameg | pid()
    _ Name = Node = atom()
    _ Request = term()
    _ Timeout = int()>0 | infinit
    _ Reply = term()
    Makes a synchronous call to the gen server ServerRef by sending a request and waiting
    until a reply arrives or a timout occurs. The gen server will call Module:handle call/3
    to handle the request.
    ServerRef can be:
    _ the pid,
    _ Name, if the gen server is locally registered,
    _ fName,Nodeg, if the gen server is locally registered at another node, or
    _ fglobal,Nameg, if the gen server is globally registered.
    Request is an arbitrary term which is passed as one of the arguments to
    Module:handle call/3.

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