I am monitering Call Set up from Core network MSC , and our vendor is ZTE accoridng to their defination
the call setup is measured from Set up message to alerting meassge , so according to this defination i try to trace my cell phone in Msc system
and i measured the duration of call setup as the time when the MSC recieve the setup meassge from BSC and when the BSC recieve the Alerting meaasge from the mSC
is that right ??
this is the 1 st question
the 2 nd one is in 3 G area (MSC ) it support only 3 G (connected to RNC only )
I notice that we have to measuremnt of call set up
A)- call set up UMTS is approx,< 4 sec B)- call set up GSM is approx. 12 sec. it is very high and what does maen call set up GSM in UMTS area (3G MSC) I have asked the vendor , their answer is when B number make handover from 3G to 2G and also according to call waiting ? i did not find that logic could y help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!