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Reply To: Alcatel HPTRE vs MPTRE.


Dear all,

Sorry that my first question is not so clear.

Accually I want to do the 5 MP TRX sector but I have only one crosspolar antenna.

So I brought the ANY to use with ANC.(To aviod to add more antenna) Of cause the loss is more. Then I used the HP TRX intead of MP TRX.

1. If we have 2 Antennas.
ANTa –> ANCa(4 port) –> 4 MP TRX
ANTb –> ANCb(1 port) –> 1 MP TRX

2. If we have 1 Antenna.
ANTa –> ANCa(2 port) –> 2 MP TRX
ANTa –> ANCa(2 port) –> ANY –> 3 HP TRX

But I’m not sure about the coverage result.
That Pix kindly answered to me. : )