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This command adds a new project to the Ansapoint database. When this command is selected, a sub-menu will appear which can be used to choose the interval required. Call volumes for 15 minute, 30 minute or 60 minute intervals can be entered, and the interval should be chosen using this sub-menu.


A new Day is also added to the project, and the Daily Calls Table for the new Day is shown in the right hand pane of the Ansapoint window, ready for data entry.


The name for the new project is always of the format "New Project xx", where xx is a number. You can change the name of the project by selecting the command Properties from the Projects menu, and entering the new name in the Project name box.


The following parameter for the new project are set to their default values:


Start time
Average call duration
Average wrap-up time
Agent availability
Call answering service level targets
Trunk blocking targets